Conference Journal
Title of the Journal
(ISSN 2356-9948) (Print).
Author Guidelines:
- The journal publishes studies which are carried out in educational and psychological fields.
- Articles are submitted either in Arabic or in English. Researchers should include an abstract of their papers of no more than one page.
- Manuscripts are submitted by e-mail to be reviewed. After resubmitting the revised manuscript (if it needs to be resubmitted) and getting acceptance, authors should pay publishing fees.
- Articles submitted to the Journal should conform to the general framework of research writing (introduction, theoretical framework, procedures, findings, discussion, conclusion and references).
- Footnotes are not placed at the end of the page.
- References should be listed alphabetically in 12 point font at the end of the research according to the following guidelines:
- Books: Author's Name. date of publication. Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher.
- Articles: Author's Name. date of publication. “Article Title.” Journal Title issue number: numbers of pages.
- Dissertations: Author's Name. date of publication. “Dissertation Title.” Master-Doctoral diss., Name of Faculty, Name of University.
- Researchers should revise their papers in such a way that would be linguistically accurate.
- Researchers should submit a written declaration that their research has not been published previously elsewhere and that their papers have not been taken from other studies.
- Articles should be written in Envelope B5 format or in ISO B5.
- Articles should include both a header displaying research title and a footer displaying journal title and the page number in Bold Traditional Arabic and 13 point font size.
- Researchers should leave margins on all four sides of each page and the margins should be set at a minimum of 2.5cm.
- Article starts from the first page and the following guidelines should be noted:
- Title of the article should be centered at the top of the first page in a 17 point bold font, followed by the researcher's name and job between brackets in a 13 point bold font.
- Main headings should be written in a 15 point bold font.
- Subheadings should be written in a 13 point bold font.
- Article body should be written in a 13 point font (not bold or italic). Indent the first line of each paragraph.
- Arabic texts should be written in Simplified Arabic style and right aligned, whereas English texts should be written in Times New Roman style and left aligned.
- Spacing between lines and paragraphs should be single and 0.0.
- Tables (if any) should be concise as much as possible; their size should fit the page frame and they should be written in a 12 point font. Table number and title should be written above the table.
- Figures (if any) should be entirely clear and their size should fit the page frame. Figure number and title should be written below the figure.