​Conference Objectives
During the last decades, the world witnessed different changes in many areas that led to deep challenges in the social, cultural, economic and political fields. In this regard, the educational institutions became no longer for teaching only, but their role expanded to be centers for research, future planning and social serving. Therefore, it becomes essential to have a strong relationship between the educational institutions and the society in every field in order to evoke the positive sides in human personality which help it to do its continuous and comprehensive roles in building society.
Otherwise, changes that took place in the world during the last few years show the importance of improving systems of education and teacher preparation to be able to participate effectively in achieving aims of future development, thus contributing to the renaissance of nations. In the light of what research have shown about challenges that face education in future, discussing new topics related to education and teacher preparation becomes a strong motive and reason to hold this conference.
This conference aims to:
•Shed light on the new roles of education and teacher preparation institutions according to the rapid changes that face our world.
•Support the building of partnerships between different governmental, private and civil sectors to improve and develop education.
•Offer protective educational solutions that help in facing negative effects of economic, social and political changes in different areas of the world.
•Reconsider national challenges that affect education and discus the way to overcome them.
•Exchange experiences in the fields of educational programs in crisis regions.
•Spread ideas about improving the competitiveness of systems and outputs of educational institutions by adopting non-traditional methods.
•Offer new visions for developing TVET programs, especially in the third world countries.
•Encourage international and national practices in the field of education for special purposes.
•Discuss some international practices in the field of teacher preparation and teacher training to raise the quality of teaching and learning process.